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Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation 

The conservation of wildlife especially in Africa is depended on the co-existence between humans and wildlife. The increase in demand for land has brought humans in close proximity to wildlife more than ever before and this is resulting in increased conflicts between humans and wildlife. Our human-wildlife co-existence projects are focused on reducing costs and increasing benefits. Within our human-wildlife conflict mitigation programs, we are focused on the following in districts such as Nyaminyami Rural District & Mbire Rural District:

Community Guardians
Through our locally recruited Community Guardians, known as “Batabilili”, we engage closely with communities to safeguard their livestock, crops, and lives from the potential danger and destruction caused by wildlife. Our multifaceted approach includes responding to conflict incidents, collecting valuable conflict data, monitoring wildlife movements, alerting farmers to the presence of problem wild animals, and conducting awareness campaigns.

Mobile Bomas

Predator-proof mobile bomas are a cutting-edge conservation solution aimed at safeguarding livestock from predators like lions, cheetahs, and hyenas. These bomas consist of durable plastic sheeting stretched over posts to form an enclosure that blocks predators' view of the livestock. When placed in crop fields, these bomas help decrease livestock predation, improve food security, and foster harmonious relationships between humans and wild carnivores.

Chili Fences
Under our chili farming program, we assist local farmers in cultivating chilies as the crucial component in the production of chili-based deterrents. Such deterrents play a pivotal role in safeguarding crops against the encroachment of elephants and other herbivores, effectively reducing HWC and protecting community livelihoods. Furthermore, we facilitate market linkages for chili farmers, enabling them to generate income from surplus chili, which in turn enhances their overall well-being.

Environmental Education and Awareness 

WCA is passionate about educating, training, imparting skills and building the capacity of local conservationists and other conservationists in Africa and other parts of the world. The success of conservation tomorrow depends on the type of conservation leaders we build today. Our Training and Capacity building projects are focused on:

Schools Conservation Education Clubs

Under the conservation education clubs we aim to educating school children about the importance of conservation and sustainable development, through conservation clubs in schools across the country. The program also supports the inclusion of conservation content in the school curricula and the connection of children with nature through visits to wildlife areas. WCA has reached out and is working with over 37 schools in both rural and in urban areas of Zimbabwe. We have a project running in Nyaminyami Rural District called Guardians of the Wild (GOTW).

Social Media Engagement 

Social media plays a crucial role in our Environmental Education and Awareness program by amplifying our message and reaching a broader audience. Through platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and X, we share educational content, success stories, and awareness campaigns that inspire action and inform communities about the importance of conservation. Social media allows us to engage with a diverse audience, promote environmental stewardship, and encourage active participation in protecting our natural world. By leveraging these digital tools, we’re able to connect with people globally and foster a collective commitment to environmental sustainability.

Conservation Camps

Under conservation camps we try to foster a deep appreciation for nature and biodiversity, ensuring that post camp every child returns home with a heart full of memories and a knowledge-enriched mind. By connecting children with nature, experiential learning and fostering positive perceptions towards wildlife, this project seeks to create environmental stewards who advocate, take a lifetime pride in conservation and ensure long term protection of Africa's natural heritage. Conservation Camps are an integral part of our Environmental Education and Awareness program and key to providing hands-on experiential learning experience on environmental issues. Acquiring knowledge through discovery, observation, investigation and exploration at the camps, students get an invaluable opportunity for greater appreciation of the natural world and the biodiversity in it. 

National Park Visits

Our National Park visits are a key part of our Environmental Education and Awareness program, where we organize day trips for kids to explore the rich biodiversity in our national parks. These excursions provide a hands-on learning experience, allowing children to see different wildlife species up close and understand their importance in the ecosystem. By witnessing the beauty and diversity of nature firsthand, kids develop a deeper appreciation for wildlife and the need to protect it. These visits inspire the next generation to become passionate advocates for conservation.

Climate Smart Livelihoods 

The focus is to empower local communities with the knowledge and resources needed to develop sustainable and eco-friendly livelihoods. By fostering a sense of sufficiency, we aim to alleviate poverty, reduce pressure on natural resources and contribute to overall community well-being. Within our sustainable livelihoods programs we are focused on the following:

Livestock Farming

Livestock farming plays a vital role in improving farmers' livelihoods by integrating Human-Wildlife Conflict mitigation strategies such as Mobile Bomas, Raised Kraals, and reinforced Kraals. These protective measures safeguard livestock from predators, resulting in a steady increase in herd numbers. As livestock populations grow, farmers are able to sell excess animals, generating income to sustain their families. Additionally, the practice of inbreeding different breeds of livestock within these secure environments leads to stronger, more resilient animals, further enhancing the quality and value of their herds.

Crop Farming

​Crop farming benefits significantly from the strategic use of predator Mobile Bomas in the fields. As these bomas are moved around, the livestock inside naturally fertilize the soil with manure, enriching it with essential nutrients. When the farming season arrives, this well-nourished soil supports the growth of robust crops, leading to increased yields. The integration of Mobile Bomas not only protects livestock but also enhances soil fertility, ultimately boosting agricultural productivity and improving farmers' harvests.


Bee Keeping

​In beekeeping, farmers are trained to create beehives that encircle their fields, serving as a natural deterrent to elephants, who are irritated by the sound of bees. This innovative strategy not only helps protect crops from being damaged by elephants but also provides an additional source of income. By harvesting honey from the beehives, farmers can sell it in local markets, further enhancing their livelihoods while maintaining harmony between agriculture and wildlife.

Chili Farming

Under our chili farming program, we assist local farmers in cultivating chilies as the crucial component in the production of chili-based deterrents. Such deterrents play a pivotal role in safeguarding crops against the encroachment of elephants and other herbivores, effectively reducing HWC and protecting community livelihoods. Furthermore, we facilitate market linkages for chili farmers, enabling them to generate income from surplus chili, which in turn enhances their overall well-being.

Research and Conservation Leadership

Accurate scientific data provides critical components to understanding wildlife ecology and this lays the foundation for informed scientific inference and conservation action. Research is therefore a critical pillar in conservation as it sets the basis for monitoring and evaluation of factors affecting species within an ecosystem. Our conservation work, which is informed by research, takes action in addressing eminent threats facing wildlife, its habitat and the entire ecosystems. Our wildlife and habitat conservation projects include:

Collaring for Coexistence

​Under Collaring for Coexistence we seek to promote peaceful coexistence between wildlife and local communities. By fitting animals such as elephants and large carnivores with GPS collars, we can closely monitor their movements and patterns, gaining valuable insights into their migratory corridors. This real-time data enables early warnings to be issued when these animals are approaching farms or settlements, allowing communities to take preventive measures to protect their crops, livestock, and property. By understanding wildlife corridors and reducing human-wildlife conflict, this approach enhances the ability of communities to live alongside wildlife while securing their livelihoods.

Camera Trapping

Camera trapping is an effective tool for wildlife conservation, providing crucial insights into the presence, behavior, and movements of various species within a given area. By strategically placing motion-sensitive cameras in the wild, conservationists can monitor wildlife without disturbing their natural habitats. This method allows for the collection of valuable data on animal populations, their activity patterns, and even their interactions with other species. Camera traps are particularly useful for studying elusive or nocturnal animals that are difficult to observe directly. The information gathered through camera trapping helps in making informed decisions for wildlife management, enhancing conservation efforts, and mitigating human-wildlife conflict by understanding animal movements and behaviors.

Wildlife abundance assessments

Under wildlife abundance assessments we seek to understand the population dynamics of various species within a specific area. These assessments involve systematic surveys and data collection methods, such as direct observations, camera trapping, and GPS collaring, to estimate the number of individuals in a population. By analyzing trends in wildlife abundance, we can gauge the health of ecosystems, identify species at risk, and evaluate the effectiveness of conservation strategies. This information is vital for making informed decisions on wildlife management, habitat protection, and resource allocation, ultimately contributing to the long-term sustainability of biodiversity and the balance between wildlife and human communities.

Undergraduate and Graduate Training

Our Undergraduate and Graduate Training programs are integral to nurturing the next generation of conservationists and environmental stewards. These programs provide a comprehensive blend of theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience, focusing on critical areas such as wildlife management, ecology, and sustainable development. Through immersive fieldwork, research projects, and internships, our students engage directly with real-world conservation challenges, honing the skills and expertise necessary to tackle complex environmental issues. By empowering future leaders with the tools to contribute to scientific research and implement effective conservation strategies, we ensure that the next wave of conservation efforts is guided by informed, passionate professionals dedicated to safeguarding biodiversity and fostering sustainable coexistence between humans and wildlife.

Our Impact


Households adopting non-lethal Human-Wildlife Conflict mitigation strategies


People reached through Awareness and Outreach


Hectares under improved management practices, benefitting both livelihoods and wildlife, especially key species such as lions and elephants.


Reduction in human-wildlife conflict incidences  over the past 3 years

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