Years of overgrazing, drought, and unsustainable land use practices took their toll in most rural communities. The once-flourishing pastures have withered away, leaving behind a barren landscape that seems devoid of life. Community livelihoods are under threat and are hung in the balance. For generations, rural communities have relied on their livestock not only for food, milk and meat products but also as some form of income banking, assets and an alternative livelihood option to provide a fall-back position in adverse times.
Currently, with the increase in several livestock owned by farmers against the dwindling forage resources, unsustainable land use and uncoordinated grazing practices, the health and productivity of livestock has been put at stake, and communities are faced with extensive rangeland degradation. Rangeland degradation results in poor livestock health, decreased food security and increased poverty. To help communities deal with this, WCA has introduced the Heading for Health project, seeking to reverse the loss by promoting silvopasture systems, a holistic approach to sustainable agriculture, ecological balance, biodiversity, and climate resilience, ultimately enhancing the well-being of rural communities.
The project seeks to put Ward 4 under sustainable land management practices. The ward stretches over 50585.6 hectares of land alongside Matusadona National Park. One of the most effective tools in our implementation is the deployment of predator-proof mobile bomas or enclosures that protect livestock from predators at night. The bomas are routinely shifted, allowing the rangelands to rest and rejuvenate over time. This project is more than just a conservation programme; it is a project empowering communities to take control of their livelihoods, to promote social equity, and to enhance human- wildlife coexistence. It's about creating a future where people, livestock, and wildlife can thrive together.
Looking forward, we are reminded that with resilience, determination, and a willingness to adapt, we can overcome even the most daunting obstacles and create a brighter future for all.